
$ 46.20

Material: Aventurine
Weight: 80 grams
Dimensions: 50 x 40 x 60 cm
Code: TU08

Hotline: 090 906 2528

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Stone sculpture in the shape of a goat is not just an ordinary piece of jewelry but also a symbol of hope and the aspirations of people with disabilities. This product is created by Maison Chance – an organization that provides care and education for people with disabilities. When you own this product, you not only receive a beautiful piece of jewelry but also contribute to helping people with disabilities meet the costs of their lives.


Aventurine, a semi-precious stone primarily composed of feldspar minerals, is used to create the stone sculpture in the shape of a goat. Aventurine is believed to bring luck and attract positive energy. Therefore, when you own this product, you not only have an impressive decoration but also receive luck and positive energy in your life.

The technical specifications of the stone sculpture in the shape of a goat are also an important factor. This product has a weight of 80 grams and dimensions of 50 x 40 x 60 cm, allowing you to have a clear idea of the precise size and proportions of the product. The product code TU08 makes it easy for buyers to identify and find the product on the Maison Chance website – Maison Chance.


Owning a stone sculpture in the shape of a goat not only enhances your living space but also brings luck, peace, and positive energy.

Visit the website www.maison-chance.org/shop for more detailed information about precious stone sculptures and share this information with your friends and family to spread a positive message and help people with disabilities. Every small action we take can make a big difference in the lives of those around us.


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